
Core Strength

Core Strength

September 1, 2021 mtcus

What is Core Strength? The body’s core refers to the muscles that surround the abdomen, pelvis and back. Core strength is the foundation for children to be able to assume and maintain an upright posture while sitting or standing without support. If a child does not have a strong core, it will affect their head, […]

What is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy?

What is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy?

August 2, 2021 mtcus

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a therapy developed by Albert Ellis (AE) and is based on the belief that cognition (thinking), emotive (emotions/feelings) and behavior (acts) are homogenous and holistic (Ellis & MacLaren, 2011). In addition, within the process wherewith we “think-feel-act,” we find ourselves as being functional or dysfunctional, rational (self-helping) or irrational […]

The Pediatric Foot

The Pediatric Foot

July 1, 2021 mtcus

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, and accelerated child growth! Phew! That’s a lot of shoes to go through for our littles. Our feet help us, literally, from the bottom up. The human foot and ankle affect all other joints in the human body and should be screened, even if your child is not coming in […]

What is a Sensory Processing Disorder?

What is a Sensory Processing Disorder?

June 1, 2021 mtcus

First off, we are ALL sensory beings. Our bodies are hard-wired with receptors to detect sensory input from our environment, as well as from within our bodies. This sensory input travels through our nervous system to our brain where it is processed and interpreted. How you respond to this input really depends upon how your […]

May Is Better Hearing and Speech Month

May Is Better Hearing and Speech Month

May 1, 2021 mtcus

Speech Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist, Speech Teacher…call us what you will, but we all hold the same degree and work on more than just speech sounds. You heard right, way more than just speech sounds. Here is a snapshot of what our Speech Therapists at Mobile Therapy Centers can help with: Articulation: Production of specific […]

Celebrating Differences

Celebrating Differences

April 1, 2021 mtcus

Mobile Therapy Centers (MTC) joins the world this month in celebrating diversity in autism. Currently, about 1 in 54 children have been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (Maenner, Shaw, Baio, et al, 2020) [1]. At MTC, we identify that although there is a specific diagnostic criterion for ASD, no two individuals with autism are […]

Is Your Child Ready For Potty Training?

Is Your Child Ready For Potty Training?

March 1, 2021 mtcus

Potty training can be an exciting but difficult developmental milestone for both a parent and a child. It is a time when a child’s growing need for independence can conflict sharply with the pressures of parental and social expectations. This can easily lead to power struggles and stress if not approached appropriately. Learning to identify […]

ASHA Identify the Signs

ASHA Identify the Signs

February 1, 2021 mtcus

ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) joined forces with Bright by Text to help educate parents about their child’s communication skills. The ASHA “Identify the Signs” campaign is using the Bright by Text technology which has approximately 100,000 subscribers. Bright by Text is a free educational text messaging service for parents, and provides information about typical communication […]

Ways To Support Your E-Learner

Ways To Support Your E-Learner

January 4, 2021 mtcus

As we approach the halfway point of the 2020-2021 school year, many of us find that our children are still receiving their education virtually. While some may be adapting to their new normal, others may be continuing to struggle to a learning environment that is less than ideal for their own learning style. These struggling […]

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Elaina Pagliarulo AACOTA/L, AAT Handler

Elaina is a part of our MTC Occupational Therapy Department and received an education from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, McHenry County College, and Husson University. She has a strong passion for working with both animals and children. Elaina has always wanted to incorporate both of these passions into her career and is incredibly excited to bring Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) to Mobile Therapy Centers!

MTC's Therapy Dog: Rocky

Rocky is an Australian Mountain Doodle who loves to learn, play, and meet new people. Rocky joined our MTC team when he was just 8 weeks old and has been training to support the clients of MTC from day one. His kind and loving nature makes him the perfect match for Animal-Assisted Therapy, and Rocky can not wait to meet all his new friends through the MTC AAT program!