Springtime & Autism Awareness Month

Springtime & Autism Awareness Month

Mobile Therapy Centers is ready for spring weather to arrive! The RBTs (Registered Behavior Technicians) at Mobile Therapy Centers are especially excited about sunny days being right around the corner. We have ABA Therapy sessions in the home, school, daycare, and clinic, and we love working on outdoor skills in all of these settings. Going outside brings many learning opportunities for children.

First, we have to get ready to go outside. RBTs teach putting socks on, tying shoes, and zipping coats. We begin by using “hand over hand” prompting. This is when the RBTs hold the child’s hands to help them complete the motion. Over time, we slowly use less prompting until the child is able to complete the task all by themselves.

Next, it is time to transition. RBTs work with the child on walking outside. If they are at school or daycare, we work with the child on staying in line while walking through the hallway to recess. If they are at home or at the clinic, we can work with the child on walking to the park. We can work on staying on the sidewalk, looking both ways before crossing the street, and holding a caregiver’s hand. It is really rewarding when our clients master these skills and we are able to help them be safe in the community.

It’s finally time to play. Playtime is a great time to work on taking turns, following instructions, and asking for help. We can work with a child on waiting for his turn to go down the slide or waiting for his turn with a bouncy ball. We can work with a child on following a variety of instructions such as cleaning up, putting on his/her bike helmet, and keeping the sand in the sandbox.

Then comes the step that’s difficult for many children — it’s time to go back inside. In ABA Therapy sessions, we can work with children on transitioning back inside without disruptive and unsafe behaviors. We can also teach parents and teachers strategies to help this transition go smoothly.

While April means Springtime, it is also widely recognized as Autism Awareness Month. Its primary focus is on Autism Acceptance and Awareness, and the celebration of the people with Autism. Yes, its initial purpose was to teach society about Autism, but now this month is for the people who have Autism.

Mobile Therapy Centers wishes you many fun adventures outside this Spring and we hope everyone is able to join in and “Light It Up Blue” in honor of Autism Awareness Month.

ABA Therapy is an evidence based therapy for children diagnosed with ASD. If you would like to learn more about ABA Therapy at Mobile Therapy Centers, please click here.

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Elaina Pagliarulo AACOTA/L, AAT Handler

Elaina is a part of our MTC Occupational Therapy Department and received an education from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, McHenry County College, and Husson University. She has a strong passion for working with both animals and children. Elaina has always wanted to incorporate both of these passions into her career and is incredibly excited to bring Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) to Mobile Therapy Centers!

MTC's Therapy Dog: Rocky

Rocky is an Australian Mountain Doodle who loves to learn, play, and meet new people. Rocky joined our MTC team when he was just 8 weeks old and has been training to support the clients of MTC from day one. His kind and loving nature makes him the perfect match for Animal-Assisted Therapy, and Rocky can not wait to meet all his new friends through the MTC AAT program!